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Explore the world through study abroad and exchange programs.  英语, 创意写作, and 电影 students can all find a new perspective on our global community and enjoy amazing experiences through two programs connected with the 韦德体育app官网 英语, 创意写作, 及电影部.

四周 British Studies at Oxford will immerse you in the history, 文学, 艺术, 电影, and culture of England and of Oxford University. Courses in British Culture, 文学, 中世纪的研究, 政治科学, and History fulfill Gen Ed requirements at OU.  Course-related excursions range from medieval sites (Chaucer) to the more contemporary (Harry Potter Studios and 电影 locations), to London and the Globe theatre, 国家剧院, 大英博物馆, and the British 图书馆 and more. Long weekends in pedestrian-friendly Oxford can be spent at bookstores, 市场, 戏剧和电影, 还有俱乐部, 歌舞厅, and pubs or visiting Edinburgh, 都柏林, 阿姆斯特丹还是巴黎.

Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) program is run by Film Studies and Production. Students spend a week in the he艺术 of downtown Toronto, 加拿大, at this prestigious international 电影 festival, seeing major 电影 premiere screenings (and frequently, major 电影 stars on the red carpets!), and attending industry panels and master class workshops with media professionals. After the first day or two, you can structure your own festival experience based on your interests in 电影, as well as explore the metropolitan offerings of the amazing and exciting city of Toronto.  FLM 4910 出国留学: TIFF course work, both while at TIFF and back at OU, expands your understanding of the experiences at TIFF seeing contemporary trends in global cinema, learning the business operations and cultural activities of a major 电影 festival, and turning these into professionalization opportunities for careers in the media industries.

看看 International Education for other options that might be of interest to 英语, 创意写作, Film and Film Production majors and those in the American Studies concentration. 这里只是一个例子:

的 semester-long exchange program at the University of East Anglia, a public research university in the lively city of Norwich, offers students a wide variety of courses that might be of interest for all majors in our dep艺术ment.  特别是, UEA has very good 电影 courses, offering study topics ranging from Doctor Who to Japanese 电影, as well as the history of 电影 and the representation of history in 电影. Production and writing based courses provide opportunities for the development of creative work. 的 university also offers first-hand archival experience at the East Anglian Film Archive, and the opportunity to make 电影s from archival material. And close by are cafes and theatres, 当地的足球, rugby and cricket teams – and the North Sea, with surfing opportunities.

Dep艺术ment of 英语, 创意写作 and Film

Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3700