An image of OUWB 学生 cleaning up Pontiac


Center for 社区 Engagement

通过指南针, the official address of community engagement, we focus on navigating connections with local, 区域, national and global communities. 这些关系使教职员工能够与社区分享他们的专业知识,帮助医学生实现他们的学习目标,同时确定弱势群体的需求,这些群体由我们许多不同的指南针社区合作伙伴提供服务.

To learn more about 指南针 and its recent community engagement, please email (电子邮件保护) and request the community report.


Two medical 学生 stand by stove cooking meat and pasta for lasagna.

“改变世界日”是一年一度为全国各地的学校和组织提供服务的日子. 每年, OUWB 学生 volunteer their time at organizations around the community, which have included World 医疗 Relief in Southfield, MI, Hope Warming Center in Pontiac, MI, and Forgotten Harvest in Oak Park, MI, 举几个例子.
马丁·路德·金. 服务日

OUWB 学生 work at the health fair

每年, OUWB carries forward the torch of community engagement by celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. 马丁·路德·金. by hosting the MLK 服务日. 整个星期,博士. 马丁·路德·金. 一天, 学生 participate in a series of volunteer activities, which have included volunteering at the Health Fair and Taste Fest at Chandler Park Academy, 为无家可归的人提供食物, and preparing food for home-bound seniors. 


OUWB student helps high school student with her homework.

威斯康星大学商学院与天主教慈善机构密歇根东南部西班牙裔外展服务中心(CCSM-HOS)之间的伙伴关系为医科学生创建了一个指导方案. Enthusiastic medical 学生 at OUWB are invited to become a child’s mentor (9-17 yr.) for a period of 1-year, leading to a program certificate. 该方案包括在西班牙裔外展服务中心(HOS)开展教育活动,促进对影响我国儿童和社区的疾病的健康和认识,并开展课外活动(动物园), 博物馆, 打保龄球, 等.) to enhance communication and social skills. 


A medical student shows and explains a medical photo to high school 学生.

医科学生教授的是基于密歇根健康课程模式的标准化课程. Topics on Nutrition/Physical Activity; Personal Health and Wellness; Social and Emotional Health; and Alcohol, 烟草, and Other Drugs are presented at one of the local elementary schools. 这项活动使医学生能够展示吸收科学证据和参与学生教育的能力. 另外, 这项活动为医学生提供了在广泛的社会经济和文化背景下展示人际交往和沟通技巧的实践.


An OUWB student volunteering at Forgotten Harvest farms. He carries a bucket of greens through a field.

每年八月, 学生, 教职员工加入了新学年伊始回馈底特律大都会社区的传统. 志愿服务的机会在上午和下午早些时候在底特律市区的各个地点举行. 


An OUWB student volunteering at Forgotten Harvest farms. He carries a bucket of greens through a field.

街头医学奥克兰是一个以医学院学生为主导的组织,旨在弥合我们社区无家可归者和医疗保健提供者之间的差距. We work to better understand our patients’ realities, so that we may provide quality medical care and resources, 同时为未来的医生和医疗保健领导者提供照顾无家可归者的视角和经验. More information can be found at


查看完整的列表 社区合作伙伴.


有关最新信息和活动报名,请查看电子邮件和新闻通讯 (电子邮件保护).


  • OUWB服务日 - S2023年8月26日,星期六
  • Introduction to 社区 Engagement - 8月18、21、25、29、30日 & 2023年9月8日
  • 社区 Engagement Project Planning Program - 9月8日,11日,19日 & 27, 2023
  • Lunch and Learn: Introduction the OU Ghana Summer Experience - 9月14日星期四
  • 创造不同日 2023年10月28日星期六
  • 向青年伸出援手 11月18日星期六

社区服务迷你奖助金:个别学生和学生组织被邀请提交指南针社区服务迷你奖助金申请. The mini-grant program is designed to encourage 学生, 教师, 和员工设计和实施创新的服务项目,为OUWB周围的社区服务.

The 2023-2024 mini-grant cycle is now open. 请注意,小额资助计划已经发展,新的程序在申请中概述.

The application and instructions for submission can be 在这里找到.  奖 will be granted on a rolling basis until all funds have been exhausted or until April 1, 2024 at which time the 'flash grant' period will open. 

迷你奖助金计划团队中至少有一人必须出席资讯会,才能批准奖助金. The dates of the information sessions are:

Monday, February 5 at 12 pm (加入这里)



For more information, please contact (电子邮件保护).

Student 社区 Service Hours Log and 奖


OUWB服务绳项目的社区参与指南针中心是一个颁发给体现志愿精神的学生的奖项. 学生 who meet the qualifying criteria will be awarded the purple and silver service cord, which is presented at Honors Convocation, to be worn during the commencement ceremony. The 指南针 Service Honor Cords colors symbolizes the following:

Purple – ambition, creativity and devotion
Silver – elegance, kindness, hope and sensitivity.



2024届,2025届, 2026 Certificates and Cords


证书可以通过在三个不同的时间点中的每个时间点完成50小时的服务来获得:M1年结束, M2年的结束, and the end of the M4 year (the third and fourth year requirements are combined).

For our current 学生, the applicable service hours will fall accordingly:

  • Class of 2024 service certificate - 50 hours of service logged between August 1, 2022年和3月15日, 2024
  • Class of 2025 – 50 hours of service logged between August 1, 2023 and May 31, 2024. 
  • Class of 2026 - 50 hours of service logged between August 1, 2023 and May 31, 2024.

2024届毕业生, 2025, 和2026年,如果他们在每个时间点都获得了社区服务证书,就可以获得毕业服务证书, M2, 和M3 / M4). 

Class of 2027 and Beyond - Certificate and Service Cord Tracks

Class of 2027 and Beyond - Service Cord Track


In addition, for each academic year 学生 must:

  • Participate in at least 3 OUWB sponsored events (a minimum of 12 over 4 years)
  • Complete 2 service reflections: (a maximum of 8 over the course of 4 years)
    • One for an OUWB sponsored event
    • One for an organization of your choice


Class of 2027 and Beyond Certificate Track


OUWB服务证书课程的社区参与指南针中心是授予在四年医学院生涯中完成至少150小时服务的学生的奖项. 遵循这条道路的学生将获得一份证书,承认所有4年的总服务时数.


In addition to the hours, for each academic year 学生 must:

  • Participate in at least 3 OUWB sponsored events (a minimum of 12 over 4 years)
  • Complete 2 service reflections: (a maximum of 8 over the course of 4 years)
    • One for an OUWB sponsored event
    • One for an organization of your choice




学生 are able to log any direct service activity, not only those sponsored by OUWB. Fundraising does not count towards the service hours certificate, 然而,如果你负责计划筹款活动,完成这些准备工作的时间可以计算在内.  For questions on what does or does not count towards the service hours certificate contact (电子邮件保护)

2024届,2025届, & 2026服务时间登记表

Class of 2027 Service Hours Log Form

You are able to log service hours for an ongoing program with one form. 请等到你的课程的最后一天,并记录总学时/列出课程日期.


指南针电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


Associate Dean for 多样性, Equity, & 包容 and 社区 Engagement

Assistant Dean for 社区 Integration & 外展
Professor in the Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies

Trixy Hall, MAT
研究生课程 & 社区 外展 Coordinator
Jean Szura博士.D.
Rose Wedemeyer博士.D.
Director of 教育 Training