



铅笔的图标作者:Kelli M. Warshefski


Biology alumna pursues her dream career caring for the wildlife at 贝尔岛水族馆



的 gallery is quiet, with just a faint hum of lights warming up. 的 morning sun streams in from antique skylights across green opalite glass tiles that adorn an arched ceiling. 水族馆管理员四处巡视, 透过每个水箱的玻璃窥视, 默默地问候她的鳃同事, 呼吸着清晨的宁静.

阿曼达·默里, 中科院 06年和11年,过着她最好的生活.

作为一名水族馆管理员 贝尔岛水族馆, Murray spends her days in the historical Detroit building, caring for a number of creatures from piranhas to hissing cockroaches; a career the alumna was made for, with her lifelong devotion toward animals and conservation.

“Biology is basically one of the first sciences you experience as a young kid; it’s the life around you,默里说. “这就是吸引我的地方. 我喜欢动物,从小到大我花了很多 北上,钓鱼和收集虫子. 这一直是我想做的事.”


One of Murray’s fondest childhood memories took place in her family’s cottage in Traverse City, where as a child she would pull along a small red wagon, 停下来只是为了捡起, 检查和 在她的马车里放窃听器. A trait that Murray’s mother who, although was not a fan of “creepy crawlies,” encouraged. This became a benchmark and source of empowerment for the aspiring biologist’s compassion for all living creatures.

“我认为这非常重要, 尤其是对学生物的小女孩来说, 有一个积极的女性榜样. When they see something like a bug or a spider they’re going to look at their mom’s reaction and if their reaction is ‘ew that’s gross’ they might adopt that. My mom never discouraged me because I enjoyed them and I think that’s really what influenced me strongly in loving all animals,默里解释道.

Murray would grow up to further explore this passion at 韦德体育app官网她在那里获得了学士学位 生物学 and immediately went on to pursue her master’s with a focus in ecology and animal behavior. 在公开大学读书时, her passion for conservation was fostered by faculty and through research, including her work on wasp behavior and how it affects the productivity of a colony. Murray found herself in her element, examining and caring for these underappreciated creatures.


“My research experience gave me confidence in putting forth my own ideas and experiments,默里说。. “It allowed me to explore not only how to properly conduct a scientific study, but 以及如何分析数据并将其呈现给同行. I think the research I did at OU was a valuable experience in my career.”

After receiving her master’s, Murray began work at the Michigan Science Center. But, although she enjoyed the work there, she yearned to work with animals. 所以在2018年,当一个位置 在贝尔岛水族馆开放, Murray jumped at the chance to apply and shortly thereafter began her new career path.

作为一名水族馆管理员, 默里利用了她在生物学方面的训练, but notes that the job requires more than just knowledge in the life sciences – from understanding physics and the mechanics of tank plumbing, to chemistry and the composition of elements in proper water filtration systems, an aquarist needs to know “a little bit of everything.在她的日常工作中, 例如, Murray进行了行为分析, 检查及维持水质, 储罐的温度和泵, 确保所有重要设备正常运行, 清理水箱,喂动物. Additionally, Murray provides enrichment for the fish — a crucial component of their health.

“鱼 have big personalities, even within the same species,默里解释道. “他们需要互动。, which have been lacking lately [due to the building’s closure during the COVID-19 大流行). So, I have to make sure they stay mentally stimulated by changing around the things inside their tank, 隐藏的食物, 并通过玻璃与他们互动.”

“I want to make sure my fish are content and that I take the best care of them that I can,” she says.

Gertie, a tropical gar, plays peek-a-boo while Murray wipes down the outside of her tank. 一群垃圾, native of Michigan and one of Murray’s favorite types of fish, follow Murray’s hand as she slides it along the glass. 黄貂鱼是用手喂的, and frequently squirt Murray with water while they impatiently wait to be fed. 提供额外的交互, Murray also enlists the help of her pet hissing cockroaches, 她把它粘在罐子外面.

“我热爱我的工作. I love my coworkers — and not just the human ones,默里说. “鱼也是我的同事, and I love that I can share my passion with others and help people learn about and fall in love with all animals.”

“We share this planet not just with each other but with other species,” she continues. “That’s why conservation is so vital to me because I want these resources, 这些栖息地, 这些动物为了未来而存在. It’s really important to us at the 贝尔岛水族馆 and our mission to help with conservation."

了解更多关于阿曼达·默里和这个角色 生物学 保护环境的游戏.


贝尔岛水族馆 is the oldest aquarium in the country, opening its doors in 1904. 这座建筑经过了几次整修, replacing tanks and updating water filtration systems, but the architectural integrity of famed Detroit architect, 阿尔伯特·卡恩, 仍然保持不变. 而大部分的水生生物都在里面, 外面还有一个大的锦鲤池和花园. While the building is currently closed for safety precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the 贝尔岛水族馆 continues to promote conservation efforts in the community and provide crucial aid in local projects, including a contract with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in the rehabilitation of local sturgeon. 的 aquarium receives young sturgeon from local fisheries, 提高他们, and sends them back once they are grown to be released into the wild, 增加了鲟鱼生存的可能性.

“这是一个很棒的项目,”默里解释道. “鲟鱼几乎从密歇根消失了, 现在他们又回来了, 甚至在附近的底特律河. That’s something that aquariums do that’s really important, is to continue species and help them when they are endangered or extinct in the wild.”
