Alumni Voices



Drawing of the Gate Lodge from 1928

Preliminary drawing of the Gate Lodge, c. 1928年|照片由梅多布鲁克档案馆提供

Meadow Brook Hall

icon of a calendarApril 15, 2022

icon of a pencilBy Kelli M. Warshefski

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It’s the late 1920s. 你被邀请参加一个聚会在1400多英亩的草地溪厅庄园. 穿上你最好的衣服,跳进你的道奇跑车. 你沿着罗切斯特山的路开车,瞥见了前面都铎风格的大厦的山峰. But, before you can head down the winding, gravel drive, weaving through hills and meadows, past a deer park and farm buildings, to reach the 88,000-square-foot mansion, you need to first go through the gatekeeper.

守门人负责管理庄园的出入,住在门房里, 这是一栋两居室的房子,与梅多布鲁克大厅的主要入口相连. 他会核对宾客名单上的客人名字,然后打电话给大厅确认他们的到来. 看门人记录了每个来访者的姓名、车牌和进出时间.

Additionally, 守门人密切监视着庄园及其住宅, Alfred Wilson and Matilda Dodge Wilson. At night, he would turn on a set of lights that crossed the mile-long drive from the Gate Lodge to the hall; when the residents returned safely home, 他们会按下总开关,关掉路上所有的灯. 如果看门人在他们到达后几分钟内没有看到灯熄灭, he would call the security guard to check in.

盖特小屋建于1928年,面积约为1100平方英尺. It contains a kitchen, living space, bathroom and two bedrooms, along with an attached garden and chicken coop. Throughout the years, the lodge has housed a number of people, 包括1967年至1997年住在这所房子里的罗伯特·盖勒.

“Mrs. 威尔逊或看门人在后院种了一个花园——150英尺乘100英尺,'” recalls Gaylor. “I planted a garden there as well. 那里有一些花和蔬菜. 威尔逊很久以前种下的树每年都会长出来.”

而不承担早期守门人的职责, 盖勒在韦德体育app官网克雷斯基图书馆当图书管理员时,住在盖特洛奇, taking care of the house and grounds. He would also throw yearly volleyball parties in the summer; each year the parties grew until his final year in the house when he received the greatest attendance at 400 people.


2020年,83届校友迈克尔·克利曼(Michael Klieman)在R球场打高尔夫球&S Sharf Golf Course, 他注意到门房的情况,便问他的同伴, Michael Westfall, OU’s vice president for advancement, the future plans for the building. 当Westfall解释修复结构所涉及的资源挑战时, 克利曼呼吁韦德体育app官网的高尔夫球手和校友提供帮助, and received an overwhelming amount of support.

克利曼说:“很遗憾,历史的很大一部分被搁置在那里,不断恶化。. “It was too valuable to let go.”

而小屋需要彻底翻修, 最重要和最引人注目的问题是大门. 这里曾经是庄园雄伟的入口, was sagging and marred by rotten wood,” explains Madelyn Rzadkowolski, curator at Meadow Brook Hall. “大门完全由工匠重建,使用了一个世纪前使用的相同技术和材料.”

由Rzadkowolski担任顾问,由Klieman捐赠集团资助并执行, 盖特旅馆正在进行急需的翻修. Using blueprints, 建筑计划和盖勒的建筑照片, Rzadkowolski正在用她的专业知识帮助这座房子恢复原来的辉煌.

Rzadkowolski说:“与这些翻新项目合作就像梦想成真一样。. “直到最近,罗伯特和我们分享了他的房子,我们才有了很多房子的内部照片. 多亏了这些照片,我得到了越来越多关于如何把它恢复到原来状态的线索.”

盖特旅馆正处于装修的早期阶段. So far, 已经筹到了足够的钱来更新管道, ventilation and electrical wiring, 还修复了浴室,修复了房子前面的一些结构损坏. The next step is the kitchen: tiling, painting, flooring and bringing in appliances, 所有这些都将类似于分会早年的那些, with some minor adjustments for modern use.

“Like most kitchens of the 1920s, the room did not originally have tiled walls,” Rzadkowolski explains. “但我们担心的是在厨房水槽后面制造一个屏障, 所以我们使用了梅多布鲁克大厅的原始厨房来激发瓷砖的使用.”

完全修复的门旅馆还需要几年的时间, but Rzadkowolski, Gaylor and all those invested in its history, 兴奋地看着这个非凡的宝藏复活的过程吗.

“It’s been so long since I’ve lived here,” Gaylor says with a smile, 最近我去盖特旅馆检查装修情况. “但是,现在走进这里,这里仍然有家的感觉.”

联系迈克尔·韦斯特福尔,了解如何帮助保护历史悠久的门旅馆, vice president of advancement at [email protected].

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