



铅笔的图标作者:Jennesa Kreiner





决定韦德体育app官网的命运, 公开大学董事会由八名指定成员组成. 这些人监督大学的方向和支出, 还有很多其他重要的任务, 包括大学校长的任命. 公开大学董事会的八名成员之一, 其中5人是校友, providing a unique perspective on the needs of 韦德体育app官网’s future.

罗伯特(鲍比)肖斯塔克 | 通识/商业管理

鲍比Schostak, 创78年, was committed to finishing his OU degree while working full time in his family-based real estate business. He enrolled in night classes at OU, focusing on business management, communication and economics. “我会从早上7点开始工作.m. 到下午4点.m. 然后在下午6点到10点到开放大学上课.m. 每天晚上,”他回忆道.

肖斯塔克认为他的传播学教授兼顾问J. 哈罗德·艾伦博士.D., for his mentorship and support in building a personalized curriculum plan. 当时,公开大学还没有商业学位. Ellens helped guide class selections that fit both my life and career goals,肖斯塔克说, 目前是肖斯塔克兄弟公司的联合首席执行官 & 公司,以及其他企业.

在21世纪初, Schostak was invited to serve on the College of 艺术与科学 advisory board, which he describes as a true honor and the start of his journey back to OU. Because of his positive experience connecting education and career simultaneously, Schostak cares deeply about the student experience and is committed to giving back to the university. 他的家族成立了肖斯塔克家族基金会捐赠基金, 承诺支持开放大学威廉博蒙特医学院, 最近, 肖斯塔克和他的妻子, 南希, 帮助推出了丹尼斯·穆奇莫尔公共政策系列.

的那个乔。琼斯 | 沟通

As a native Detroiter, 的那个乔。琼斯, CAS ’94, says his decision to attend OU just seemed right. “I was close to the city, yet far enough from home to have my own real-life experiences,” he says. 他花了一些时间来适应校园的新生活, 但他深情地回忆起这里,认为这是他长大的地方, 成熟和进化.

毕业后, 琼斯找到了回底特律的路, working in the grassroots community for two years before traveling across the state to lead a historic civil rights organization. 一直以来, 琼斯表示,他将在远处密切关注俄亥俄州立大学, 自豪地看着大学的进步,总有一种联系感.

In 2020, Jones was invited to apply for a seat on the board and jumped at the opportunity. 一年后, 他创立了Hekima集团, 一家提供多元化专业知识的咨询公司, 公平与包容, 以及多元文化交流. “More than anything, I experienced a sense of belonging while at OU,” Jones says. “I find myself in a most advantageous position in terms of being empathetic to the student who comes to OU from a space very different from their home.”

蒂娜•斯科特 | 金融

特里娜·斯科特(蒂娜•斯科特)是96届小企业毕业生,她知道自己注定要从商. 从小开始, Scott’s parents encouraged her to pursue the field because it was relatable to any industry. 一到OU, 她接受了Prasada Dada教授的进一步指导, 是谁帮斯科特找到了第一份实习工作. “My internship led to full-time employment at the start of my career in auditing, 它带我环游世界超过14个国家,斯科特说.

尽管斯科特的职业生涯始于医疗保健行业, she has also worked for a major pharmaceutical company and a Big Four accounting firm, where she later transitioned into human resources and corporate social responsibility — each shift evidence of her parent’s advice ringing true. Along the way, Scott developed a passion for people and a commitment to helping the underserved. She launched a youth mentor program that centered around college access and persistence in U.S. 帮助了1000多名年轻人上大学.

Now vice president of Civic and Community Affairs at Rocket Companies, Scott says it was OU that prepared her for practical business experiences and provided the resources to help jump start her career. In addition to being a proud alumnus, Scott is a former OU women’s basketball player. “Having the ability to come back and make an impact at the administrative level is a dream come true,斯科特说.

斯蒂芬J. 韦尔奇 | 沟通

韦德体育app官网开始他的教育之旅时, 斯蒂芬•韦尔奇, 中科院05, 最初,他想成为一名体育明星. 然而, his path took an unexpected turn during a multicultural communication course taught by Professor Kellie Hay, Ph.D. 博士,. Hay helped cultivate 韦尔奇’s passion for diversity and inclusion and ultimately sparked his decision to pursue it as a career.

在公开大学读书时, 韦尔奇 was inspired to get involved and served as president of the Association of Black Students, 是学生生活讲座委员会和学生代表大会的成员吗, 还打过校内篮球. He recognizes many OU faculty and staff for their profound influence on his career path, 这归功于他的第一个领导多元化的角色, 公平和包容(DEI) 该国最大的抵押贷款机构 后来 国家的零售商.

毕业后, 韦尔奇 felt it was his responsibility as an alumnus to stay connected and give back to the OU community. He served on the board of the university’s Black 校友 Chapter and spoke at commencement and various career services events, 其他志愿服务. “我爱牛津大学和这里的人们. It’s hard to leave something that is a big part of who you are,” 韦尔奇 shares. 今天, 他是NBA底特律活塞队的DEI副总裁, where he oversees the learning and development of curriculum as well as strategic business initiatives.

科琳·奥乔亚·彼得斯 | 沟通

科琳·奥乔亚·彼得斯, 中科院“87, never considered college until a high school competition brought her to OU. It was the first college campus she ever set foot on; she was awed by its energy and inspired by the people she met. 当时, Peters knew only a handful of people who went the college route but decided it was the path for her. 她很快就被公开大学录取,成为第一代大学生.

While pursuing her degree in communication, Peters was active in student life. She chaired the Student Program Board and participated in both Student Congress and the Student Life Lecture Board. “I gained invaluable experiences and life lessons by collaborating with a team, 管理活动,维护他人利益,彼得斯说。. 她还与主要大学领导建立了关系, 包括威尔玛·雷·布莱索, 前学生事务副主席. Bledsoe encouraged Peters to get involved in national Hispanic student leadership efforts and supported her as a student representative to OU’s 25th Anniversary Committee.

Peters found that OU is a place where involvement leads to a foundation of leadership experiences and long-standing friendships. 在她职业生涯的最后四十年里, 彼得斯受到启发,与这所大学建立联系,并为之辩护, serving as 韦德体育app官网 校友会 (OUAA) chair and OUAA assistant director. She also served on Meadow Brook Hall fundraising committees and was a founding advisory board member for OU’s Center for Civic Engagement.

“Serving on the OU 校董会 is truly a ‘full circle’ experience for me, and I’m committed to 韦德体育app官网’s mission to unlock the full potential of students — especially first-generation students,彼得斯说.
