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Facilities Management Building
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2725


Facilities Management Building
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2725

Foreign 旅行登记

Foreign Travel Insurance Program


Oakland University provides comprehensive international health insurance through Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI), 免费, 致所有公开大学学生, faculty and staff who are traveling outside of the United States for university purposes. 这包括出国留学, 国外的研究, attendance at conferences or business meetings, and all other international travel undertaken on behalf of the university. 需要注册.

Students (including graduate students) who are not on an OU study abroad program must complete the Independent International 旅行登记 on the International Education website. Follow the instructions at the link for Students Traveling Internationally Independently for University Purposes.

请访问  http://welcome.culturalinsurance.com/college/oak-uni/  to register your dates of travel, 审查计划信息, print the participant guide and consulate letter should you require to obtain a visa.

If you are traveling for purely personal reasons (for example, for a vacation or to visit family), you are not eligible for this insurance policy. We encourage you to purchase a private travel health policy for the dates of your travel.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility, please email:

(教师/Staff) 风险管理 - (电子邮件保护)

(学生)Alex Zimmerman, (电子邮件保护)


In addition to the above Foreign Travel Insurance Program, 风险管理 strongly recommends ALL foreign travelers to register with the Department of State in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (S.T.E.P.). 访问 http://step.state.gov to enroll in this free service.


旅行登记 & 健康与安全 Abroad Tips

Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI)
注册链接:  http://welcome.culturalinsurance.com/college/oak-uni/


  • 覆盖 免费 to all 韦德体育app官网 Students, 教师 and Staff traveling outside of the United States for university purposes.
  • On the "Personal Data" page, put the name of your study abroad program, or a brief description of your travel if you are not on a study abroad program, 在程序名称字段中. Do not enter anything in the Participant ID field.
  • Your coverage start date and end date should be your dates of travel, if you are traveling exclusively for university purposes.
  • If you are mixing OU travel and personal travel, you may extend your coverage up to one week before and after the dates you are traveling on behalf of OU. If you would like to purchase a personal policy for an additional time frame, you may do so by extending your coverage on the myCISI app once you have completed registration.
  • When you have completed registration, you will receive a welcome email with your policy documents, 钱包卡, login information to the CISI portal, and a link to the myCISI app.
  • Be sure to log in to the CISI portal and download the app. This is where you can request assistance, search for healthcare providers, 提交索赔, 更新你的行程.               

Your health and safety is our top priority.  The Office of Global Engagement has compiled extensive information on Health, Safety and Getting Assistance While Abroad.  访问 their website to review OU 教师/Staff international travel prep and tips.


Driving or Renting Vehicles Overseas

Local insurance must be purchased at the time of rental. Most countries have a fine or jail penalty if you do not purchase local insurance.

电子设备 & 软件

All travelers taking such equipment or materials (e.g. GPS units, encrypted software, laptops, cell phones, etc.) overseas are advised to confirm compliance with U.S. Export Control Regulations.

Federal Communications Commission - Cybersecurity Tips for International Travelers

Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Traveling with Mobile Devices: Trends & 最佳实践


Participating in higher risk activities, 比如攀岩, 跳伞, 水肺潜水, 蹦极, 职业体育, off -road or auto racing or travel to higher risk areas, may not be covered by insurance.