

Rochester , Michigan 48309-4452
(248) 370-3218

Office Hours:
星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended hours on select Saturdays (see schedule) or call for an appointment


Rochester , Michigan 48309-4452
(248) 370-3218

Office Hours:
星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended hours on select Saturdays (see schedule) or call for an appointment

A man standing over a row of three young men working at computers.


韦德体育app官网的项目向上大学预科学院(PUB)是一个很好的环境,任何人都可以分享丰富学生生活的激情. It is a great “proving ground” for those who are interested in careers in education, 学生事务, and human services while also developing administrative and professional skills. 

PUB的团队职位的结构是积极参与,帮助参与者准备实现他们的大学和职业目标. So Team members must all have the temperament and the considerable patience to work with teens. 

多样性是PUB时代不可或缺的一部分, ethnic, cultural, ability – all types of diversity make up the mosaic that is PUB! 因此,对多样性和包容性的欣赏需要成为PUB团队中每个人不可或缺的性格特征. In addition, 为了保护未成年参与者, all potential Team members must first agree to a criminal background search.

韦德体育app官网要求所有潜在的学年学生雇员必须首先注册课程并在学生金融服务的学生就业办公室注册. Students cannot be hired into summer jobs until they have registered for the following fall semester. Non-students must be hired through University Human Resources.



如需完整的职位描述,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).

PUB teachers are carefully selected so that participant learning is maximized. 因为暑期学院核心课程的目标是为参与者在下个学期的高中和标准化考试中取得成功做好准备, teachers should be certified in the core subject that they want to teach – especially math, science, and English. 教师在教学方法上必须有创造性, open to using a variety of teaching methodologies to capture all learning styles, willing to incorporate technology into classroom activities, and have a compatible temperament for working with the urban TRiO high school population that PUB serves. 暑期学院的教师必须在暑期学院开始前的周六参加为期一天的培训和员工发展.
这些职位的设计主要有两个目的:第一是支持暑期学院课堂的学习. To this end, 学术导师可能会被要求为需要额外帮助的学生提供一对一或小组辅导. Secondly, 学术导师减轻了教师的文书责任,使他们的主要精力可以放在教学上.
这个职位是帮助行政秘书在暑期学院期间为大约35名工作人员的文书需求提供便利. 它可以由大学生(OU或其他)或愿意接受工资和就业条件的合格成年人填写. The duration is for about 12-13 weeks between mid-May and mid-August. 
Each PUB participant is expected to spend at least one summer in residence for the 夏季学院. This helps them to become acclimated to what campus life will be like in their freshman year. 院长的职责是监督这一设置,并确保参与者有一个积极的经验. 驻地总负责人向项目总监汇报工作,并得到项目顾问的支持,以确保驻地部分的目标得以实现.
同伴导师是PUB中最重要的角色之一. They live with participants and so they often become their confidants, many times developing lifelong mentor/mentee relationships. 项目经理还负责塑造参与者应该采取的行为,以支持大学的成功. Beyond that, 对于项目经理来说,最大的挑战之一是区分他们的导师/朋友角色和他们的主管/规则执行者角色.

真实谈话:虽然作为一个住宿同伴导师是一个伟大的pre-professional经验,任何学生寻求职业生涯在教育或人力服务, the most successful PM’s are those who have prior experience working with teens and living in a dorm. Peer Mentors are actively engaged with participants at all meals, 整个晚上, 直到黑夜. They are active in meetings, planning groups, and training sessions during the day. They must effectively interact with parents and staff and go through a weekly performance evaluation. They are on a performance-based point system to earn the right to work the summer trip. So if your goal is just to secure an easy summer job with room and board, this is not the one!
守夜人确保所有入口和楼梯间的门在晚上10点前锁上,以确保建筑物的安全.m. 在暑期学院期间. 他/她与PUB家长协会的活跃成员一起对宿舍进行夜间内部监控.
PUB提供学习技能, Tutoring, 每周四天在目标学校为参与者提供课后作业/项目协助(4所学校各一天). 该职位负责教授学习技巧模块,并监督学院俱乐部的环境. 这个职位必须在与目标学校人员的互动中具有外交手腕,在学校环境中与参与者保持自信.
星期六学院的教师主要是为9-11年级的学生提供SAT准备——包括内容和策略. 金融知识也包括在课程中. 老师还会为参加SAT考试的三年级学生提供大学研讨会,帮助他们开始直接关注大学适应和入学的过程, 专业选择, 确保财政援助. Academic Year teachers may or may not have taught 在暑期学院期间.
在目标高中,学年导师是PUB课外大学俱乐部的主要促进者. PUB学术导师是公开大学的学生,他们能够提供个人和小组辅导,主要是在高中数学, science, and English. 公开大学的学生一直认为PUB辅导是一种有益的经历,尤其是国际学生, PUB alumni, 教育专业的学生. 我们欢迎所有的申请!
该职位的目的是为PUB的高中韦德体育app官网树立适当的行为榜样,帮助他们成熟,并支持他们成为成功的高等教育学生的愿望.  提供指导, 精神上的支持, 一般建议, 社会/文化/职业浓缩, 情感支持, 并根据需要进行重定向.
Student Office Assistant - Academic year only, Work Study required
Student Clerical Assistants are critical to PUB’s administrative effectiveness and efficiency. PUB can employ as many as 8-10 work/study students as Student Office Assistants during the Academic Year.

PUB's GA position is ideal for master’s level students in education and/or human services fields. It provides opportunities to work with high school students in supervision, guidance, and advocacy capacities and their parents in information sharing. PUB GAs也暴露在高中官员以及当地和全州的学生事务专业人员面前. 存在应用计划和组织的机会, 足智多谋, presentation, 以及促进技巧. 


Provide support to the PUB Administrative Team for developing and implementing enrichment programming. Work closely with the Project Advisor on recruitment and retention.


  • Meet graduate assistantship requirements and must undergo background check to work w/minors
  • High integrity with ability to work independently and collaboratively with diverse audiences
  • 1 - 2 years successful interaction w/diverse high school at-risk youth
  • Must have assertive (not aggressive) but inviting demeanor to function effectively in high schools
  • Must be Microsoft Office proficient with good written and oral communication/presentation skills
  • Must be licensed w/good driving record to be eligible to drive OU vehicle or provide own transportation 
  • Assist with scholar assessment, selection, success planning, and progress/performance monitoring
  • Develop and maintain positive relationships w/personnel at each target school
  • Secure documents from scholars, parents, and target schools as necessary; update databases
  • 代表公关部参加韦德体育app官网的课外/学校相关活动,如国家荣誉学会入会, 体育及学术比赛, 全国大学申请日, prom, 和毕业
  • Create, maintain, and update an attractive PUB informational bulletin board at each target school
  • Assist with implementing College Seminar (juniors) and Senior Seminar on Saturdays, including guidance regarding college entry and persistence
  • Provide substitute supervision at College Club (after-school tutoring) when supervisor is absent
  • Assist in coordinating community service, social enrichment, fund raising, and conference activities
  • Maintain appropriate regular PUB-related social media communications w/PUB scholars
  • 跟进PUB校友
  • Attend and contribute to PUB Administrative Team meetings
  • 酌情举办信息/培训课程
  • Conduct data research, collection, and report preparation

将有关工作职责的问题发送至 (电子邮件保护). 关于助学金是否可用和申请联系韦德体育app官网研究生学习办公室 (电子邮件保护) or eventservices.shootapp.net/gradstudy.


韦德体育app官网教育与人类服务学院要求研究生实习作为其高等教育领导硕士(MAHEL)课程的顶点课程. As a part of OU’s Student Affairs and Diversity Division, PUB is pleased to work with MAHEL candidates to tailor opportunities that match their needs for experiential learning in leadership in a higher education setting. PUB也很乐意与其他学位领域合作,以确定经验的兼容性,以满足他们的学位要求.